A new baby brings a family together. He or she is a new addition that represents a hope for the future and the start of a new generation. This is why infant wrongful death is such a devastating and traumatic event. It’s even more so when this tragedy was caused by the negligence or action of a medical professional. When a physician directly causes infant wrongful death, then it could be a case of medical malpractice.
Our medical malpractice attorneys know how infant wrongful death can destroy the lives of families.
In order for infant wrongful death to be considered medical malpractice, it must be proven that the negligence or action of a physician, nurse or midwife caused the fatality. It is a complicated case type that can involve various degrees of death including homicide and manslaughter. Medical malpractice can occur due to improper prenatal, intrapartum, and peripartum care, which can lead to a stillborn birth or death after a delivery.
There are several common types of fatal birth injuries that can result in infant wrongful death. Oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) to the infant in the womb can result from placenta complications, a prolapsed umbilical cord, excessive labor stress, or when the infant is trapped in the mother’s pelvic area. The inaction or wrong decision of a physician can often be the difference between life and death. Emergency situations can happen in an instant and medical professionals must be diligent at all times. Other types of fatal birth injuries may include: reduced blood flow, improper vacuum or forceps use, antepartum hemorrhage, eclampsia, placenta previa, uterine rupture, untreated newborn jaundice, and spinal cord damage.
If you or a loved one has been the victim of infant wrongful death, please contact our medical malpractice attorneys for a consultation. Prochaska, Howell & Prochaska provides the personalized representation and compassionate care you deserve during this difficult time. Our medical malpractice attorneys are honored to serve your case!