Birth Injury Attorneys

Our Birth Injury Attorneys Weigh In on At-Home Births

The growing trend of at-home births is catching on because of the perceived positive benefits. There are many advantages to bringing your child into this world in a comfortable and safe place. But there are also many aspects of an at-home birth that may make it not so safe afterall.

Be sure you’re ready

Home births are safest when you have a low-risk pregnancy and you’re ready for anything. Having a plan that is organized and understood by you and your midwife is important. Although many factors can be taken into consideration, there’s alway a chance that something can go wrong. If you feel that there are any weak points in this plan, perhaps your choice of an at-home birth should be reevaluated.

The advantages of a hospital

Studies show that 99% of births in the United States take place at the hospital – and this is for good reason. Having access to the latest medical equipment and an experienced obstetrician gives you the best chance of a problem-free delivery. But, if difficulty does arise, you’ll know that you’re in good hands. You won’t need to rush to the hospital, wasting valuable time when it matters most.

Although home births can be a viable option under the right conditions, there are still risks you’ll have to assess before taking the leap. If you experience any birth-related issues, don’t hesitate to contact the birth injury attorneys at Prochaska, Howell & Prochaska.

We Want to Help

Our highly qualified and compassionate team is available to listen and evaluate your case. We do not charge any fees unless we win. Call us at (800) 266-0036 to get started!

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