Motor Vehicle Accidents

What Are Crumple Zones and What Are They Good For?

The seatbelt is one of the earliest and most often used safety features in a car. Ironically, it wasn’t until 50 years after cars were first sold that designers first added the seat belt, and it would take another 20 years before they became mandatory in every car.

Slowly, every state in the country adopted seat belt laws. A seat belt can keep the person in place and stop forward movement. According to data collected by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the national seat belt rate is 91.9%, and it is estimated that using a seat belt saves 14,955 in a single year.

That is just one of the many elements in a car designed to keep everyone safe in a car accident. The other important safety feature is your car’s crumple zone.

What Are Crumple Zones?

A crumple zone is part of the car’s frame. It is designed to absorb the kinetic energy created when a vehicle collides with an object. For fans of superhero movies, this concept is similar to Black Panther’s special outfit that absorbs a strong force and redirects the energy back out. A car’s crumple zone is more about absorbing that impact to minimize the injury to the driver and passengers.

A car traveling at 50 miles per hour can stop in an instant when it crashes into another car, truck, or barrier. Unfortunately, the objects in the car still move at 50 miles per hour until they come to a stop.

How Do Crumple Zones Work?

A crumple zone works like an accordion that collapses into the force of the accident. This is based on how the metal and plastic around the car frame and bumpers are designed to react to impact.

Each car maker recognizes the importance of crumple zones, but each approaches their design with different parameters depending on a vehicle’s size and weight. The goal is to create a crumple zone with the right balance. A zone that offers too little resistance might crush too quickly with the slightest impact. You might recognize this in cars that easily dent with even a minor tap of the bumper.

On the other hand, a car that relies on its bulk and doesn’t offer too much resistance might not crush and crumple as it should in an accident, which can cause injuries to those inside the car.

A well-designed crumple zone also acts as a cushion that helps slow down a vehicle, allowing it to take longer to come to a complete stop. That is actually a good thing because it will reduce the force of impact on the car’s occupants. Among the other data that NHTSA provides, you can also look up the safety rating of the make and model of your car. That is an essential factor when deciding to buy a new car. It can also be a factor in a car accident investigation.

Reducing Your Risk for Car Accident Injuries

Although a crumple zone can help mitigate the impact of the collision, it is not the only way for drivers to be safe on the road. Here are some other proactive steps you can take to reduce your risk of a car collision:

Obey the Rules

Every traffic signal, speed limit posting, and work zone rule is designed to keep motorists safe. They also work to keep the traffic flowing evenly. When you obey those rules, you can minimize your chances of getting into an accident.

Stay Focused

No matter where you’re going in your car, staying focused on the road and your surroundings is vital. That means avoiding using your cell phone, eating, drinking, or being actively distracted in a way that takes your eyes off the road and your hands off the wheel.

Maintain a Safe Distance

The best way for your crumple zone to keep you safe is to never get into an accident. Keeping a safe distance between you and the vehicles in front of you can accomplish that goal.

Avoid Risky Behaviors

Risky behaviors are those actions that you can prevent like driving under the influence or driving when you’re drowsy. The alternative of calling for a ride share or pulling over for a nap can keep you out of a wreck.

When you put any of the above actions into regular practice, you are becoming a defensive driver. That keeps you and others safe on the road. Unfortunately, your efforts to be a safe driver might not keep you absolutely safe. If you do find yourself in a collision, you will benefit from talking with Prochaska, Howell & Prochaska LLC.

We are the exact kind of car accident attorney who can provide you with the information and guidance you need to navigate through the insurance claims process. Remember, the only car ride to have is a safe one.

We Want to Help

Our highly qualified and compassionate team is available to listen and evaluate your case. We do not charge any fees unless we win. Call us at (800) 266-0036 to get started!

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